Hey (pompom) people! You might remember, that I was on holiday in July. And I explored (and left my heart in) Crete, Greece! Crete is really beautiful. The landscape seems dry, convinces with its dusty charm though. The people are super nice and friendly, the food is yum (can someone bring me tzatziki with pita, please?) and you won’t care, how much you eat there, because it is so hot (about 45 degrees – no joke!), you will sweat it out anyway 😀
However, in Crete, we wanted to explore an island near the coast. With a pedalo boat, we arrived on this lovely island, you can see in the pictures below.
And for sure I wanted to shoot the dress, I was wearing on that day, immediately! We had our camera with us anyway, so we said, let’s go!
Shit happens, when shooting pompom dresses
We were at the beach before.
And left our slippers at the beach.
So we got on that island barefoot.
And the cool part of the island was rocky – also the ground.
Oh and it had 47 degrees on that day.You know, what’s coming, right? 😀
We almost DIED doing this photo shooting ahahahahhahahaha. Well, our fault. Life is a never ending learn period.
And the shoot was still so much fun – look at the pictures for proofing.
But now, enough is said, you know the story behind – let’s check out the look!
(there’s not really a lot to explain, because it is ONE dress and we forgot our shoes. And I neither had a bag with me. And no accessories, due to the fact, that metal/silver/gold gets pretty hot, when the air is pretty hot. Walk into a sauna, wearing rings, and you’ll know, what I mean 😉 )
Pompom dress in pink colour shades
Oh yes, this dress spreads joy of living! It was my favourite summer dress this season. Sorry for not posting it for so long, life’s busy, when moving!

I fell in love with the details of the dress: Pompom game is on here! And it is colourful, as you have seen so far.
The pompom combined with fringes is a gorgeous styling for summer – lively and joyful.

Bye summer, welcome fall!
Alright, guys, I hope, you enjoyed this post, because summer vibes are over now – get ready for fall fash, babes!
Not ready for fall yet? HERE is another colourful summer look for you #memories
Ready for fall already? HERE is a leather themed look from 2017 #permatrend
All my love!
