Hey ho, Festival Goers! 😉
It is festival season and for sure we want to style ourselves in a very extraordinary way for this occassion!
Festivals are like a different world. On a festival, joy and fun rule the atmosphere, good music as well as happy and motivated people who shake their bums off, light up the whole area even more.
Due to the fact, that a festival area is sort of outer space zone – like fleeing into a world with no sorrows at all (and if, it is the sorrow to not get a drink at the bar due to long queues) – the looks and outfits are super inspirational there and very extravagant.
On festivals, everyone is in a good mood and so our souls can perfectly evolve and our styles can be individual and true.
No convention, no dogmas, no rules.
So we can show some controversial, hot and non-daily looks, here is mine:

Always prepared:
Ruffled SWIMSUIT with highneck cut
It is always a good idea to be prepared for every possible case or happening on a festival. So why not wearing a swimsuit? With highwaisted hotpants, a swimsuit looks fancy, and if it comes to „refresha time“, you are already dressed perfectly for some water pleasure. #winwin
For my festival outfit, I chose a swimsuit, which is quite comfy, shows my back and also decolleté.
With ruffles and flower print,
this piece appears
summery, lovely & cute.

#1 Festival accessoire:
FLOWERS in my hair!
There is ONE thing, literally everyone is having, when going to a festival: flowers in the hair!
I love this anyway, but I admit, that I am quite untalented in doing crazy hair styles with plaited flowers. (#sadlasaraleona)
BUUUUUUUT nevermind, I just put them in my hair somehow and this is, how it looked then. Frankly speaking, I am very into this easy style, because festivals are easy as well, so the look fits the occasion. 😉

MUST HAVE on festivals:
Backpack HOLO style!
Ok, so we had a swimsuit to be prepared for refreshing moments, the #1 accessoire on festivals – flowers in the hair – and now we are coming to another need on festivals.
In fact, this is a real must: a backpack!
To be in style and trendy af this season, grab a transparent one with holographic effects! So you catch two trends in one!

Hotpants & sneakers – easy & comfy
You walk a lot, you dance a lot, you are on your feet the whole day – your shoes should definitely be comfortable!
So sneakers are perfect shoe material for festivals.
I grabbed soft green ones from Nike. Additionally, I will definitely wear black hotpants, because you can sit on the grass with them and they are light and easy (and sexy haha).

All things round:
Grab round-shaped shades this season!
Yep, that’s a thing this year. ROUND ROUND ROUND. Damn. This won’t stop.
But round shades remind me of
the 60s and John Lennon,
so they are
perfect festival sunnies.
Is this a revival of summer of 69? 😛
Let’s overview the festival trends:
So happy summer, loves! Enjoy sun beams on your skin and cold water, when swimming in the sea or at a lake.
Attend as many festivals as possible,
because they make summer
even greater than it is already
(if this is even possible!).
You definitely don’t struggle with ‚what to wear‘ Qs anymore! 😛
To sum it up for you:
- ‚ready to‘ swimsuit – trend swimwear!
- easy hotpants
- comfy sneakers
- gorgeous flowers in your hair
- transparent holo style backpack – trend bag!
- round-shaped shades – trend accessoire!
Joe Bonamassa is a famous country singer, so don’t miss the possibility to visit Joe Bonamassa baltimore 2019