Hello (glossy) loves,
the new NEXT magazine trend report „Sara on the Blog“ is online and available at Sillpark now! (you find the editorial in my press corner 😉 ) This winter, there is massive knit on the agenda! XXL pullovers or sweaters are a thing right now, and you best combine them with tight, glossy leggings or jeans.
Ready for GLOSSY
As well as XXL, also the GLOSSY TREND is beloved this winter. Comparable and good looking next to icy surfaces (as winter offers them a lot), glossy leggings or coats look highly fashionable combined with XXL knitwear.
Glossy looks can be controversial and tend people to think, that you are nasty lol, but actually it is a thing of styling. This look here doesn’t look nasty, right? If you want to wear controversial looks without damaging a good image or something (I know, that often, this is a big reason to follow the crowd and don’t try extraordinary fashion), here is another outfit for you, which you may like: Nasty outfit, well styled
Leo is back
As you might have noticed already, leo prints are back from the 80s. I am happy about this, because I really have a thing with it 😀
The good thing about prints in general is, that it
makes every piece a key piece
and you can style the rest of your look
more decent.
So 80s are back, glossy is on and XXL is out of the box!
Woohoo, trends are awesome right now!